Daily update

December 14 rally

Roughly 100 faculty and staff attended the “Regents Romp” rally on December 14 outside the Luskin Conference Center. The 10am public meeting of the UC regents that had been scheduled was disrupted by strikers and was delayed until after 1pm, according to a Los Angeles Times report.

Randall Kuhn, demographer at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, counted 80 to 90 faculty and staff, and given the people he did not see, estimated 100 faculty and staff attended, including folks from UC Santa Barbara and UC Irvine. The rally was covered by KTLA television, CBS News Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles Times.

Daily update

Day 18

On the Friday of finals week, we came as always to show our support! We missed Toast the Dog, who was a little tired from yesterday so decided to stay home.

Daily update

Day 17

We listened to speeches and karaoke at the Inverted Fountain and started to “turn in our grades” of the University of California’s performance during the strike. Our buttons can now be seen all over campus!

Daily update

Day 16

Today we joined strikers at Bunche Hall to help support strikers, including an event organized by undergraduate students. We are also distributing buttons designed by Veronica Paredes and Anna Markowitz, so come get one!

Daily update

Day 15

We went to support the picket at Engineering 6, and our dog support increased from one to two.

Daily update

Day 14

It was a cool fall day, and we supported the strikers at Bunche Hall. Several strikers came up to say hello to Toast, who is increasingly securing his status as a loyal and charismatic strike supporter.

Daily update

Day 13

Today we had a great turnout (roughly 40 faculty and 400 students) for our Faculty Solidarity Rally at the Kuruvungna Steps (Janss Steps). Speakers included Michael Gutperle (Physics), Jake Aschieris (Film), Natalie Masuoka (Asian American Studies department chair and Political Science), Anna Markowitz (Education), and Graeme Blair (Political Science). Candace Hansen (Musicology) served as Master of Ceremonies and Santa. The rally was covered by the Los Angeles Times (pdf).

After the rally at the Kuruvungna Steps, we marched to Schoenberg Hall and then picketed the Faculty Club.

Daily update

Day 12

We met at Bunche at 12:30pm as usual, then went to Dickson Court South for a large rally, and then marched to the Luskin Conference Center.

Daily update

Day 11

It got a little chilly today but we had a nice time supporting! We all got to meet Toast the dog.

Daily update

Day 10

We talked with Abbey Farison, Elayne Stecher, and Rebecca Smith, members of the faculty liaison committee for the union members at the Bunche Hall picket, to share information and discuss organizing ideas. Afterward we walked to the Inverted Fountain picket and got to see the roving bicycle picket!